Billboard has announced their 4165631540000 change to how they will calculate their charts. Today, they revealed that beginning with their March 27th publication, officially licensed music videos on Facebook would play a factor on their Hot 100, Hot 200, Artist 100, and Global 200 charts.
This is another push to incorporate video streams into their chart rankings the same way they count
Youtube streams.
I do not have an issue with this addition. It fits right in line with the re-emerges of artists giving a damn about music videos and going back to the big budgets. So, people will be paying more attention to music videos.
However, when will they stop ADDING and start investigating or cleaning-up how they run their charts. Billboard DOES NOT always reflect the will of the people. I am not saying that every song on the chart did not earn its spot; however, there have been too many questionable incidents with certain artists. Also, Billboard's arrogance to feel they do not have to answer for any of the allegations or make us feel comfortable with how they operate rubs me the wrong way.
I suspect there may be some behind-the-scenes deals or threats where artists cannot acknowledge RS Charts. Why aren't artists posting when they are #1 on that chart? Why aren't artists basing their incentives around how they do on RS Charts? Take power away from Billboard. Billboard has too much power, and it needs to be humbled the same way people spend all day trying to humble Black women.
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They really need to stop all this charts manipulation and guess who got a Facebook deal and gonna have heavy promo… Cardi B