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Cardi B Vs. Tasha K...The Neverending Story


First, Cardi B acting as if she has never talked about someone's looks is laughable. Also, lets NEVER forget how she treated MUA Black Swan. Yep, I still remember that because it broke my heart to see that sistah crying over such a toxic insecure ass like Ole Girl.

Y'all ever notice that every time she drops a song, she tries to act like people are picking on her? She is always a victim. The last time I checked, we have female rappers dealing with colorism, being called a man, and dismissed over their weight. But, why is Cardi always the victim? Why do people rush to defend Cardi, but I don't see them defending the Black female rappers?

50 Cent said there is no sympathy for winners. Cardi gets tons of sympathy.


But, in this case, you got two problematic people going at each other. Let me get some extra butter for my popcorn.


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kesha D
kesha D
Feb 11, 2021

I don’t have a problem with either of these ladies. Black women can’t keep attacking other women for things that happened in the past or for attention of black men . Some Of this despised energy that these bloggers have for Cardi is what cause this unsuccessful smear campaign for Megan . They can’t attack everyone that works with Cardi she’s an artist and if they feel she is that toxic just don’t engage in shit she does. But I’m over these bloggers and youtubers they are annoying and draining at this point 🤦🏽‍♀️


Feb 10, 2021

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