UPDATED 2/17 at 8:37 AM PST
Reports are saying that Brandon Bills has decided to sue DaBaby after he was attacked in LA at a bowling alley. Brandon claims "physical and psychological damage." DaBaby claims it was self-defense.
I wish celebrities would stop listening to fans on social media when it comes to defense to lawsuits or charges. It clearly was not self-defense. The videos that Brandon made were months ago. If DaBaby was still worried about his safety, he should have gotten a TRO.
I am actually shocked that Brandon has decided to sue, but I guess he said it's his only way to get back at DaBaby, especially since DaBaby did call the cops on his sister.
DaBaby and his crew are at it again.
A video has gone viral showing DaBaby sucker-punching DaniLeigh's brother, Brandon, at a bowling event purportedly held by LondonOnDaTrack. After the Mighty Mouse punch, DaBaby's crew took over, and one of his bodyguards dragged Brandon by his ponytails all over those bowling lanes.
While many are making jokes about what DaBaby's lawyer is currently doing, I do not think this will lead to a lawsuit cause Brandon just wants that one on one....unless Dani convinces him to take to the courts, the way DaBaby called the cops on her.
All I know is that better not be KayyKilo in the middle of the tussle picking up shit.
After the fight, DaBaby showed up to LA Leakers, so I guess we are getting a freestyle. Is this the move to stop his career from slipping and sliding like they were all over that bowling alley?
Say Sumthin, Tap The Heart, and Share...Thanks!
I don’t think this gonna help his career at all. It’s continuing downhill. And I saw LAPD looking into the fight smh. Da Baby needs to grow up. People saying his security did their jobs; no, actual legitimate security defuse and get the person they’re protecting away from danger or threat of it, not all jump in on one person. He’s gonna try to ride the attention because no one has been paying him any attention but I doubt it’ll last long.
So tired of seeing us as a people in a negative light.
I'm so mad that I'm from where he's from