People are posting source-less messages on social media claiming that Cardi B told STANs she would work with Nicki Minaj because she knows it would go #1.
People are reporting these as "leaks." There is a difference between something being leaked and something being planted. Ole Girl has had way more plants than leaks, IMO. Hell, she is a plant.
Anyhoo...I'm just laughing at how y'all tails are wagging and pussies are popping, LMAO!
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Yep, that baby shower story was so fake and definitely planted to cause drama.
What's "weird" is Cardi quoting Nicki...I can't.
@fckyaya Yeah just like how a certain blogger planted that fake story about Nicki buying her baby shower gifts lol
@Tiffany, I figured she would, LOL. That was really the only option, plus I like I said, I think it was planted. It was not a leak.
She denied it on twitter