DJ Akademiks went on Twitch and got a few things off his chest per usual. He discussed Adam 22,
Tory/Meg situation, and Meek "You Can't Cancel Me" Mill. Ya'll know I don't care for Akademiks bum ass at all. He is a person who will spread false narratives about anyone, including friends, when he gets in his feelings. But, will go on rants the minute he feels someone is lying on his ass. It's called karma, AK lol.
But, last night, Akademiks had me howling as the clowned the fck out Meek Mill. Akademiks is still upset about Meek trying to cancel him, so he just went in on his ass. The way AK dragged Meek, you would think that Akademiks was not concerned about ever running into Meek in person.
Akademiks said that Meek complained to Atlantic about them still working with AK after he spoke about Desiree Perez. He also said that Roc Nation took his phone...WTF??? Meek is a grown-ass man and they took his phone. He said his last few tweets on Meek's page are by Roc Nation. Listen below...
Akademiks bet Meek 100K that he can't beat Championships numbers without a Drake feature.
What did I say about the people leading the cancel culture, it's usually people who need to be canceled and that is why it does not work. Akademiks' ego is going to be his downfall. He can be canceled, just not by no fck'n Meek Mill.
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I can't tell who has more bitch in their blood, Meek or Akademiks.
Meek doesn’t even look like Meek in that top picture 😳. Chipmunk downfall will be a celebration and I can’t wait.
@Justmybae, I don't even get why people thought Meek had anything to do with his suspension, let alone got fired. People really just make up sh*t. To be real it wasn't even over chrissy. It was because of Complex's issue with a former employee.
I said that his small "break" was because of Chrissy and not meek LOL.