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Nicki Minaj Reflects Back On Her 2003 Arrest

Writer's picture: Fck YayaFck Yaya


Earlier, Nicki Minaj posted and deleted about her 2003 arrest. She deleted because on her booking sheet it showed her SSN#. But, the post is already out, so here it is.

In her post she reflected on her life "on the run" after being charged with crimeinal possesion of a weapon with intent to use. She said, "I did use it tho."

I think she is referencing the time she bashed a co-worker in the head with a glass for mouthing off to her. Loustar told the story on VladTV. Watch below...

If this is not the incident Nicki is referring to, please post in comments.


This would be a great intro to a documentary, but I pray she is not rebranding into a BET Trap Queen.


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May 18, 2021

Meg and the rest of the girlies can keep that “Bet Trap Queen” title you hope Nickis not rebranding for yaya ☺️ Megs known for shaking her ass Nicki is known for her barz I believe that title fits Megs current brand better 🙃

Anyway “Beam Me Up Scotty” out on all Platforms

May 20, 2021
Replying to

Trying to figure out what Meg has to do with this post. I’m so over people tearing down others to lift another rapper up. Just celebrate Nicki.


kbyte prez
kbyte prez
May 17, 2021

No I think she is just being vulnerable!!!!! I see Cardi fans talking about she should be ashamed like they forgot who they fav is and what she has said!!!! Maybe Irving has told her to be more open on social media because the old way of not letting people in has been working against her (narratives being created for her instead of by her).

May 18, 2021
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I agree. I also think its in preparation for the album and documentary. Giving a visual of where she was then vs now. Leading up to the new Era. She started with BMUS, you see her mending broken fences etc...


May 17, 2021


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