Is Queen era 2.0 coming...oh brotha.
Last night while on Instagram Live, Nicki Minaj said, "This is reality when I say I'm about to do interviews because there are a couple of things I need to...uh...get off my chest. You know what I'm saying because I've been seeing a lot of things, and anything I don't do I don't do for a reason. Anything I don't say, I don't say for a reason..."
She went on to take shots at an unnamed friend🍬 who asked for money and the Birkin girls🙄.
Hearing Nicki say she needs to get some things off her chest gave me nightmares of 2018's "Queen Era." Nicki Minaj spent 2018/2019 getting things off her chest, and it did not help her with the public. What is so important that she needs to waste album promo time to talk about?
The only non-music things that need to be addressed via interviews is the truth about her blackballing or the allegations surrounding her trying to help Kenny. Otherwise, just speak on whatever she's been seeing in her music or, better yet, the documentary.
I also hope Nicki does interviews with Black women and allows smaller platforms a chance to interview her.
Nicki spoke about "industry games," and I kinda had to laugh because Nicki plays industry games too. We still have not seen the alleged email sent out about not supporting Nicki's projects. We still do not know what Mike Kyser said about Cardi B. We still have not seen evidence that Spotify told her that they must "teach her a lesson." We are still waiting to see the video of what really happened at the Harper's Bazaar party. This is all because of the industry games that Nicki Minaj plays.
Nicki once said on Queen Radio that there are certain things she will never reveal because she's that thorough or down..whatever she is. It was a pick me bitch comment, and it let me know that Nicki was not willing to do everything in her power to save her career. Why would you announce to your enemies what lines you are not willing to cross to protect yourself? They should have believed that every industry secret will be exposed unless they stop the fck'n with her. But, she, playing industry games, let them know that she is still willing to play by their rules if they give her another chance.
Let's not forget that Nicki only used the word blackballing like once, maybe twice. She preferred the less threatening "hate train" to describe her situation. Now, everyone has a hate train and everyone is being blackballed. If Nicki feels the need to address industry matters, she has got to be more bold and transparent than she was during the Queen era, or just move on.
What do y'all think she wants to address....Barbz, Other female rappers, Charts????
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I love Nicki dearly I really do but I wish she would let go of this dark cloud from over her. Just rebrand, speak your peace in you documentary and move on. I understand that she felt slighted by a lot of things but she needs to stop allowing for those who have done her wrong to feel like they have won. She is playing into a lot of these false and negative narratives. I hope that during this era that she lets the bad guy narrative go and stop saying she doesn’t care what people say about her cause she clearly does. This is where she needs to take accountability playing the bad guy has hurt her and this…
I love nicki but it’s time for her to take accountability and grow up and seriously rebrand, I understand that she allowed to defend herself and the industry did her dirty and she refused to play the hypocrite game but it’s tired now she could address this in her doc if she want, I don’t think she jealous of the others girls and their success yesterday she even say she find it sexy when a girl get on her own bag ect . I honestly hope she address those allegations surrounding her name because it’s her brand that’s is an important thing to address and sue if she need to sue but other than that it’s not necessary for the…
She could be talking about anything at this point!!!! I learned along time ago never assume when it comes to Nicki, everytime people assume we always get it wrong!!!!
Like now there is a certain Youtuber/Radio host that is trying to suggest that Doja and Nicki got issues even though Doja gave Nicki a shout out in her new album, was on live doing the same last night and no more than two weeks ago Nicki liked a tweet from Doja herself!!!!
People swore up and down how Nicki and Beyonce had beef when the battle of the remixes took place just for Nicki months later reveal Beyonce gave her pregnancy gifts and Beyonce wished Nicki happy birthday!!!!!
The only thing she should be discussing in interviews is her music. I find it strange that she got on live and made those comments AFTER Doja shouted her out. I’m sure the barbs flooded Nicki’s mentions and she ignored it for a reason.
And what can she say about the industry that she already didn’t say? Spotify promotes her now. Apple Music always supported her. What is there to say? I feel like she will continue to point fingers because she’s no longer doing the numbers she once did. Doja, Cardi, Megan and Nicki all released music at once and guess who didn’t chart? Nicki. I’m sure that further bruised her ego. Shots will definitely be thrown towards…
I hope she brings back Queen radio and address all of it there.