B. Dot decided to remind Hip Hop fans that it's the 15th anniversary of The Source giving Lil Kim's "The Naked Truth" album 5 MICS! Some of you may not understand the importance of those Mics, but they were EVERYTHING to rap artists and fans. The way kids check to see who is at the top of Billboard is the way rap fans would check to see how many mics an artist got. So, it was a big deal..until The Source starting ruining its own credibility by giving Mics to certain artists and withholding Mics from others.

I do not even remember listening to "The Naked Truth," but to get 5 mics means it's a classic. I ain't never heard this album and classic mentioned in the same sentence. For Lil Kim to be the first solo female rapper to get a 5 mic rating...HELL NAH!!! No one believed those 5 mics were earned. Benzino or Mays had their "mics" stroked for that rating, and that is "THE NAKED TRUTH!"
Anyone like "The Naked Truth?"
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Have to go listen to this one. I don’t remember it and I remember albums of hers before this.
Sounds to me like Kim paid for those mics with ass.
I did not like this album at all, as matter of fact after her debut album I was slowly loosing interest in kim, the features and singles were cute but it just was not enough to keep watching.
The naked truth is the shit. No skipping on that album.