Tonight, Fat Joe interviewed Lil Kim, who was with her man Papers, on his Instagram show, Joprah. Fat Joe did his usual hater sh*t trying to take slick shots while looking goofy. Just say what you want to say, Joe. Stop being a messy bottom.
Anyways, I found myself agreeing with Lil Kim after watching the show. First, Joe asked her about the "backlash" staged for "WAP," where she showed very little interest lol. But, when Lil Kim was asked if she feels like she gets her flowers, she said, "You know what I don't like? I don't like when people want to steal from me or do something for me, that's when they give me my props, and they don't really wanna come behind the scenes and show the love." Hmmm...
This is in line with what Lil Kim expressed earlier in the show when she was asked about who would she
have on an updated version of "Ladies Night." Lil Kim, who is never afraid to hide when something is bothering her, deviated from her usual response. Instead of giving the media-friendly answer of putting Cardi B on the song, Lil Kim said she would have to think about it. She went into her fantasy world and told Fat Joe, "I'm like the Queen of all Queens." Lil Kim then said something that caught my attention, "I like the fact that certain people still see you as necessary valuable (don't ask), so like, why the fck can't me and girls that's been around be on a fck'n remix with new artists. Like what's up?"

It appears to me that Lil Kim is fed up with the empty homages. She wants to be paid and on the music charts, and I don't blame her. The only female rapper who appears to be "paying homage" in every music video and song is Cardi B, yet there is no collab to speak of. I think Lil Kim is Summer Walker AKA Over it.

Earlier today, I saw an entertainment site tweet out that Lil Kim should be on the WAP remix. I was going to write about why doesn't Cardi B collab with Lil Kim. Something in my gut told me to wait on that, and I am glad I did because after seeing this interview, it confirmed my thinking. All that "homage" talk that Revolt TV and other Hip Hop sites love running with is no longer stroking Lil Kim's ego. She wants some action to back up those words. You can't keep borrowing from her and then yell "HOMAGE," as if your ass is Drake.
Did I not just write about using Black women as "stepping stones?" No matter what Lil Kim thinks she is, she was born a Black woman. A big part of Card B's promos is often her willingness to "pay homage" to Lil Kim. Well, I think it's about time she pays the ultimate homage and does a collab or puts Lil Kim on the WAP remix. Show your muva some respect.

In cringe-worthy news...Lil Kim and her man Papers are going to do Onlyfans.
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I remember seeing a comment a while back saying something like - Kim expects a monthly homage lol. I see that Kim wants to be relevant today...Without putting out consistent work. This interview really put things into perspective, especially when it comes to the beef with Nicki. I have a feeling that homage/props/praise wouldn't have been enough no matter what. Most people pay homage and continue shining. She seems to feel some type of way about WAP and is hesistant to give props to any new female rapper.
Queen of all queens, huh? Lil Kim reminds me of that one dumb ass drug dealer that gets high off his own supply. She acts like these girls are supposed to suck her ass through a straw, but she fails to realize that nobody owes her a thing.
Shit, she needs to dig up Biggie's pen and pray that all the ink hasn't dried up. Maybe it'll have a rhyme or two left for her...
Naw fr Yaya, you included Kim in the who will protect women in hip hop convo? Papers threatened her online and during that live he says where my gun at? She then laugh about it. It's women like her that make it hard for women like Megan. They think that shit cute
🤣 🤣 🤣