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Rumor Me This: Warner Records Plan To Make Saweetie's Album, Pretty Bitch Music, A Hit...Allegedly

Warner Records Will Buy Saweetie's Album Pretty Bitch Music


I saw some "insider" info about Saweetie's overly delayed album, Pretty Bitch Music, on Lipstick Alley. Now, I would not consider Lipstick Alley a trusted sourced, but a broken clock is right twice a day, and the information does not seem farfetched at all.

According to this person, Pretty Bitch Music is coming, but Saweetie basically started over. Which does not surprise me. Once the songs she dropped after "Best Friend" did nothing and her playlist album failed to do much more, I figured she would start over. I hope she decided to go more melodic. I feel like that fits her much better than just straight rapping. Also, the brand deals are part of the rollout...which I figured. However, this is what got my attention:

Warner Bros is looking for a company to BUY A SET NUMBER OF ALBUMS IN BULK.

Insider information about Saweetie's album "Pretty Bitch Music."

Now, this "insider" compared it to Rihanna's ANTI; however, I am unfamiliar with that situation. But, I do remember Jay-Z struck a deal with Samsung during his Magna Carta Holy Grail era, where they purchased 1M copies of that album. Those "sales" did not count for the charts, but they did allow Jay-Z to go immediately platinum.

Jay Z Samsung Deal to Buy Magna Carta Holy Grail

So, unless there have been some rule changes, this is something Saweetie can do, and it's fair. I mean, it's not that much different than all these STAN-bases using these money banks to do mass buys to manipulate their faves pure sales.

I think with all the tricks that Ole Girl has at her fingertips, I don't blame any of the other girls. Play the game. Warner needs to spread some of their tricks to other artists. Oh, and I think the post is hinting at a tour with Doja Cat...not 100% sure.

If this is true, what do y'all think?


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