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Should Megan Thee Stallion Give Us The Rap Battle Nicki Minaj Has Denied Us For So Long?

Writer's picture: Fck YayaFck Yaya



“You know what scares people? Success. When you don’t make moves and you don’t climb up the latter, everybody loves you because you’re not competition”


"Hot Damn Hoe Here We Go Again" is not only the classic intro from MC Lyte's "10% diss" but also sums up my thoughts when asked what I think about Nicki Minaj allegedly throwing shots at Megan Thee Stallion again.

Last week, should have been all about celebrating the re-release of "Beam Me Up Scotty" but it ended up being dominated by talks about who Nicki Minaj was referring to when she said, "These bitches thirsty, I can see why they alcoholics."


"Here @ Young Money, we don't do diss records; we drop HIT RECORDS & diss u ON them. I got a bunch more on cock. Pauz."- Nicki Minaj


In true Nicki fashion, she left it up to her STANs to run around social media like messenger pigeons to deliver the news that her shots on the Lil Wayne and Drake-assisted track, "Seeing Green," were directed at Megan. That then spreads to the blogs/Youtubers, etc.

This is where I have to hold Nicki Minaj's feet, or should I say mic to the fire. For far too long, she has put Pop Nicki ahead of Rap Nicki and, in doing so, has deprived us of a possible classic rap battle between her

and another rapper. Pop Nicki thought "No Frauds" and subsequent shots were a good enough response to a diss track from someone she once had in her Top 5. I am not saying Nicki can't think brand first, but Drake was in a similar position with Meek and rose to the occasion. There is no shame in losing a rap battle, but there is shame in ducking one.

In 2017, when Remy Ma hit Nicki Minaj with "Shether," despite it being trash IMO, the one thing I recognize

is that Remy Ma went DIRECTLY at Nicki and did not speak through her fans or DJ. She even @'d Nicki on Twitter to make sure she knew the track was about her in case the artwork and name drop weren't big enough clues. This could have been a FOR THE CULTURE moment. This was an opportunity for Nicki to show everyone who thought she was too Pop that she can still "Pop Shit" and take down a respected battle rapper, but Nicki, in the words of Ms. Deb. "Didn't give people what they wanted." Instead, she informed the world that "Young Money"….um, I think Nicki meant "she" does not do diss records.


Nicki Minaj jealous of Megan Thee Stallion's success and Grammys



"It ain't directed so it ain't respected, Stop droppin' clues 'cause I ain't no detective, bitch"


So, 12-years after Beam Me Up Scotty and 4 years after "Shether," Nicki Minaj has tons of songs taking shots at various rappers but has no classic rap battle to speak of. Not like Nicki needs one because even with that box unchecked, she is still a top 50 rapper in my book. But, that is a criteria that could bump her up higher on many people lists.

Nonetheless, Nicki's preferred choice of throwing shots while on tracks with other artists instead of writing one solo diss track to get a bitch out of here is the reason the bar has been lowered when it comes to female rap beefs. "Seeing Green" is the "son" of "No Frauds," just less direct. The girls study Nicki, and now female "diss tracks" consist of indirect shots, which gives the girls wiggle room to deny any beef and blame fans or media. Which, yes, fans and media do often spark the beefs, but once you are foolish enough to allow your fans to make you take a shot at another rapper, you should own that. MCs are

supposed to control the crowd, not the other way around. Don't allow your STANs to put you in a losing situation.

Some may argue that you can't blame Nicki for girls not dropping proper diss tracks. You also can't say that for 10 years, Nicki Minaj set the bar in female rap; everyone copies her and is her son, but then try to distance her from having any influence on how rap beefs often play out between women. While Nicki Minaj set the bar very high when it comes to writing rhymes, lyrics, flow, cadence, branding, sales, etc. Nicki Minaj made it acceptable for girls to duck rap battles, especially if the would-be opponent is deemed less successful.


Unfortunately, when the female artists finally reach that pillar of serious success, it somehow makes them exempt from competition, as if they are invincible.


In a 2018 Vibe article, "Stop Playing Into Female Rapper's Catty Feuds and Demand The Bars," writer Jessica Mckinney wrote, "It appears as though no one is seeking women to deliver diss tracks. We argue it's an act of "anti-feminism" if they do. Instead, we marvel at the bitchiness of their issues with one another, finding satisfaction in catty interviews and social media videos. But in the end, it's a disservice to the culture and the movement of women who constantly ask for the word "female" to be stripped from the beginning of their titles so that it just says "rapper."

Where is the lie?

The article addressed the social media back and forth between Nicki Minaj and Cardi B, which never resulted in a rap battle, but it gave blogs and Queen Radio content.

I don't want a potential rap beef between Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion to go down the same path as Nicki and Cardi B. As Mckinney pointed out, "While both ladies spewed harsh remarks, none of it once touched wax. It was over social media, leaving the blogs—which both have protested in the past for writing salacious stories pitting women against each other—to tell their stories for them."

The blogs should not create Nicki and Meg's story; we should only be here to document it.

I would prefer Nicki to be Megan's mentor and for them to team up on a track going at these industry niggas who have so much to say about both of them, but if there can't be peace, allegedly, then let there be war...over a beat.


Megan Thee Stallion vs Nicki Minaj



"Never underestimate those who you scar, Cause karma, karma, karma comes back to you hard"


In a 2018 interview with Rob Markmen, Nicki Minaj: Lyrical Queen, Nicki said, "Someone got at me, a veteran got at me, and I hit them with "Roman's Revenge," and then I kept on going."

"Hot Damn Hoe, Here We Go Again."

This may be Megan Thee Stallion's "Roman's Revenge" moment where a veteran got at her, and now she is at a Hip Hop crossroads. Does she ignore Nicki, send shots back the way they were sent - Indirectly, or does Megan give the culture what Nicki has refused to throughout her career, a direct solo diss track?

This whole situation is very deja vu. In the Lil Kim and Nicki situation, no one understood why Kim hated Nicki so much, and in this situation, people are confused as to why Nicki would be taking shots at Meg. That's what makes this alleged rift between the two MCs both disappointing and compelling at the same time. #HerstoryRepeating


"Bitches be on some bullying shit, but when I met them they wasn't bullying shit, in fact they was being bullied and shit, and now they taking shots, now that's some bullshit."


I selfishly want to see a battle. I'm ready for the bar to be raised. Megan has already shown, with Shots Fired, that she is willing to drop a diss track. But, to state the obvious, dissing Tory Lanez is much different than dissing Nicki Minaj, and that was pre-Grammy wins, Megan. So, she may be less willing to drop a diss track at this stage of her career.

Let me make it clear, this is not about Megan winning a rap battle against Nicki Minaj. It is about her doing what female rappers of a certain status haven't done in a long time, show the fck up. That alone raises the bar and hopefully the expectations from fans and media. It also will further distinguish her from the two NY Queens, Nicki and Cardi B.

Do you want Megan to respond to Nicki Minaj or wait until Nicki directly addresses her?


Say Sumthin, Like, Share...Thanks!

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64 comentarios

J La
J La
07 sept 2021

I’m always here for keeping it on wax! But, the fake stan trolls of twitter (mostly) that change their avi weekly, are kids who know nothing about hip hop! So they would suck the fun out of it!

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07 sept 2021

We need a whole new post 🥴

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Gemini Gemstones
Gemini Gemstones
25 may 2021

I think that this "beef" is for clout, to get people talking, because nicki showed the congratulation cards she got from jay and b after she gave birth. i think the thing about tik tok was about cardi b, like a couple other lines. they're just to get people talking, nothing serious like her beef with cardi or lil kim

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24 may 2021

I don’t think Nicki was busting any shots at Meg. It could have been any of one them. We All know there’s plenty of thirsty bitches in the industry not just Meg. So again I personally don’t think Nicki was talking about her in that line. I also cant say if Meg threw shots at Nicki because I don’t be checking Meg out like that. Her music doesn’t excite me for some reason. I will give it a good listen and keep it moving While Keeping my thoughts to myself. I just just don’t think it’s beef like some say. I could be wrong though🤷🏽‍♀️

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24 may 2021
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They know Nicki be washing the girls and the boys that’s why they mad mad.

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24 may 2021

Someone mentioned Joe and Dj Akademicks. Now I‘m not a fan but they do be having the tea. Akademiks claimed that alcohol line was for Megan. And Joe a while back said their was beef behind the scenes.

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J La
J La
07 sept 2021
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Naw they both on payroll to push certain narratives. You can tell by the way they flip flop. And neither one of them will speak ill of the REAL THORN in the side of female rap! But, they have no problem dragging Meg or Nicki.

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