Nicki Minaj tweeted and deleted this post, "Oh so the;y ain't posting all week bout. rules lol."
What do nosey people always say..."Put an address on it." lol.
Nicki has yet to reveal who is behind her blackballing? Why she and Drake fell out? Why she and Rihanna fell out? I mean if she wants to tweet stuff, there is stuff to tweet about.
I really don't want her to put an address on it. I wish she would drop solo music-related stuff instead of going right back to the same stuff she did before having a baby. Y'all know I think she sucks at social media. I'm beginning to think Nicki is a messy bottom lol.
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I mentioned Queen because everyone in the comments are comparing it to Good news. Why are we comparing a rookie debut to a vet 4th? If your going to compare won't it be fair to compare debuts when they were both rookies. The playing field is fair when you think about it! Nicki released three mixtapes & did a feature run before her debut. Meg had about 4 tapes & feature run before debut. They also went on tour & promo tv& radio too. Yet we aren't comparing debuts? Even if we don't compare their #s okay but the material isn't being compared either.
I don't understand why Nicki can never express her thoughts & opinions without criticism. Cardi have admit to commit crimes & has harassed bloggers for doing their job without an consequences. If Nicki wants to point out the double standard she can it's simple not fair. But fairness means nothing everytime Nicki is involved! If she did these numbers yaya you know the type backlash she would get! Yet your not even acknowledging it. No major outlet is saying anything about it! The same publications that called Queen a flop! Why does Nicki have to stay silent when it isn't fair? We can use AK as example since when he nice about calling ur album a flop? He tip toe…
@yaya I was not insinuating that she was looking for a diss toward the girls. I guess it came off wrong using JB as an example. I was trying to say if they can uplift, hype, etc toward Ole girl why they are not doing the same for Megan? Same with TBC, all of them had in hyping her up. But now its Megan's turn none of those people are giving her the same hoopla.
Even tho you and I and many others feel like they don't represent "black media" its alot of people who believe every word that they say.
Joe Budden said he would not review the album because MEGAN WAS GOING THROUGH MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. You left the diss out of his comment. That was the review lol. I mean have you not listened to Budden enough to know how he does women?
Second, the fact that Nicki is allegedly looking for Joe Budden's approval still is sad. Who the fck cares what he does on that failing network lol. The way you talk is like you just want the other girls to get dissed and that you think that is what Nicki wants too...against sad.
If Nicki is thinking about Joe Budden, then I would advise her to stop and focus on revamping Queen Radio. Why…
I didn’t want to believe she was shading Megan neither until she tweeted about Cash App. That was a direct shot at Megan. And yes I believe she’s upset over WAP. And she feels like Megan is fake because she supposedly shaded Cardi on live. I watched that same live and when Nicki took it as “shade”, Megan said repeatedly said “no”. Basically saying she didn’t mean it like that but people NEVER play the full clip. Megan is not a pawn. She’s about her business just like the average person is.. She’s not going to allow another artist and his/or her fan base to use her to spite another artist.