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Blogger Official Ken Barbie Says Nicki Minaj Has Done"Disgusting Things To Many In The Industry"

Official Ken Barbie Goes Off On Nicki Minaj and Her Barbz In Tweet Rant and Says She Has Done Disgusting Things.


Official Ken Barbie, one of the Cardi blogs, decided to go off on the Barbras and accuse Nicki Minaj of doing some "disgusting things to many in the industry including personal friends of mine." I mean "disgusting" is a harsh choice of words. We have all heard about Nicki's infamous attitude, it was just part of a CH discussion the other day. But, "disgusting"???

This is where I need y'all help. What sparked this thread? I did see that Cardi said something about having gay friends. Is this related to that tweet or has something else happened?

Just being nosey...


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