Drake's sassy ass really likes messing with women. He posted Billboard's Hot 100 chart and covered up Taylor Swift again, taking the #1 spot. I find Drake and his antics so boring.
21 Savage was also dragged for claiming that Nas is not relevant and only has a "loyal fanbase" and makes "great ass music." He just described Taylor Swift and any other artist who has lasted over 10 years. What is relevancy - doing good for only the first week of your album release and then being forgotten???

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Drake has been losing his damn mind lately, no comment on 21 because (irrelevant) but WTF
Why do women, especially black women always always try to emasculate or refer to a man as sassy, zesty, gay or bottom when trying to shade him? It has a very homophobic undertone it tbh smh. But ya’ll not ready for that convo smh. Anywho nah Taylor was being the messy ass one, she literally dropped about 10 remixes this week to purposely block Drake from going #1, when her song has already debuted & been sitting at #1 for two weeks, that’s pure greed & she knows wtf she was doing so I don’t blame him for blocking out her name. 🙄& 21 savage’s words were taken out of context